dc:description in RSS 1.0 channels

Eric van der Vlist vdv at dyomedea.com
Wed Oct 25 22:42:11 EST 2006


Venus doesn't seem to support RSS 1.0 items which description uses
dc:description instead of rss10:description.

Why would one want to use dc:description instead of rss10:description?

That was a loooong time ago, but as far as I remember, there had been
some discussions about that when we were working on RSS 1.0. The idea
was that Dublin Core could be considered as more generic than RSS and
that dc:description could be considered as more broadly understood than
rss10:description. OTH, we had also been sensible to the fact that
authors might want to keep the number of namespaces as low as possible
in their channels and we've deliberately allowed both.

A lot of RSS tools support both (they probably just ignore namespaces
altogether!) and I am surprised to see that dc:description seem to be
silently ignored by Venus.

Is that a feature?


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