Version 1.0?

Dethe Elza delza at
Wed May 31 07:02:59 EST 2006

Hi folks,

>From the mailing list I can't tell if version 1.0 has been released
yet or not.  I'm trying to get PlanetPython to update their version of
the Planet to support Atom 1.0 (so my feed will get picked up), but
Andrew Kuchling, who maintains that planet, does not want to update to
anything but an official release.  On the other hand, the source for
PlanetPython has the line:

<meta name="generator" content="Planet/1.0 +">

which sure looks like 1.0 to me. Are pre-released versions advertising
1.0, or is there some other reason why Atom 1.0 feeds might be broken?

Any further information is appreciated.



Dethe Elza

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