Installation Question

Shervin Asgari shervin at
Tue Apr 4 18:19:40 EST 2006

Hello. I have some questions.

First of all, do you have to use the source code to make a release? From ?
I just want to install Planet Planet, is there no other way other than 
running from source code?
Is there any documentation, HOWTOs or similar for installation other 
than the INSTALL file? I believe the documentation is quite poor and 
small. Also when I downloaded this source code, and I use windows XP, I 
got the following errors:

!   C:\Jobb\API\PlanetPlanet\planet-nightly.tar.bz2: Cannot create 
planet-nightly\{arch}\++pristine-trees\unlocked\planet\planet--devel\planet--devel--1.0\jdub at\planet--devel--1.0--patch-9\{arch}\planet\planet--pyblagg\planet--pyblagg--0.0\jdub at

Plus some more errors similar to this.

What can I do?

Kind regards
Shervin Asgari

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