Setting up in config.ini

Sam Ruby rubys at
Sat Oct 21 12:18:34 EST 2006

Harry Fuecks wrote:
> Following on from
> - (thanks for fixing)
> Is it possible to define the require / exclude xpath statements for
> on a per-feed basis in config.ini, under the sectiton
> for ? It seems like they can only be defined once and are then applied
> to all feeds, but I may have misunderstood. Dealing with two seperate
> feeds now where there are multiple authors, but only want entries from
> one of them in each case.

Not at the moment, but it would be easy to add.

One thought would be to allow the filter name to be followed by a set of 
name/value pairs.  A familiar syntax to most is URI parameters, and that 
even provides a built in syntax for escaping.  In the case of xpath 
expressions (which tend to use special characters), this looks a bit 
odd, but workable:

filters =

> Also is it likely to be safe to allow the require / exclude rules to
> be defined by untrusted sources - specifically worried about shell
> command injection - it looks to me like an attempt to inject a command
> via the options - perhaps something like require: ;rm * would bubble
> through to some os.exec* function but not actually result in rm *
> being executed, rather handled as an option.

Initial read to my untrained eyes: I don't think the security issues 
that are described here affect you.

> I'm generating the config.ini file from contents of a wiki (described
> here and trying to extend that
> so people can add rules in the same manner - wondering
> how much input validation I need (hoping to avoid validating the xpath
> expressions themselves)

That's very cool.

It seems to me that XPATH expressions isn't very user friendly, at least 
not to typical WIKI users.  Another approach would be to define a simple 
syntax for a simple subset of typical queries, and either generate XPATH 
expressions from this, or skip XPATH entirely and pass the query 
directly to a python (or perl) filter to evaluate against the entry.

> Many thanks.

- Sam Ruby

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