Categories not showing up

Sam Ruby rubys at
Sat Oct 14 01:54:22 EST 2006

Michel Klijmij wrote:
>> with the latest Feed Parser, 
>> the key you will get back is tags:
>> The htmltmpl support in Venus specifically requests individual keys to 
>> avoid this problem in the future.
> Sounds great, but being less technically knowledgable: how can I get
> categories in Venus with htmltmpl and how in Planet 2.0?

In planet/planet/, there is a method named NewsItem.update. 
There will need to be code added that looks for a key named 'tags'.  I 
haven't tested it, but something akin to the following will grab the 
term from the first category:

   elif key == 'tags':
      self.set_as_string("category", entry[key][0]['term'])

There may need to be error checking logic (for example, on the length of 
the array, and whether or not there is a 'term' property).

- Sam Ruby

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