Planet Timeline

Morten Frederiksen morten at
Sat Jul 15 03:43:06 EST 2006


On 7/14/06, Edward Summers <ehs at> wrote:
> I dig this idea. Can you tell from the outside what I might've done
> wrong to cause the following error?
>         Caught exception: TypeError: xml has no properties
It turns out that the planet-sparql.srx file needs to be returned with
an XML mime type, e.g. application/xml or preferably
application/sparql-results+xml. If all else fails, rename the template
and the resulting file to e.g. planet-sparql.xml.tmpl and
planet-sparql.xml -- that should work.

Thanks for pointing this out, it also made me find another buglet (due
to missing/empty description elements).


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