<img> Problems

Chris Dolan chris at chrisdolan.net
Wed Feb 22 13:07:06 EST 2006

On Feb 21, 2006, at 4:50 PM, Baz wrote:

> On 2/21/06, Chris Dolan <chris at chrisdolan.net> wrote:
>> It looks like your html attributes are being quoted twice.  I believe
>> the problem is that you are incorrectly using single quotes for
>> attributes on your blog.  Most browsers allow that, but it's not
>> right.
> Really? It says exactly the opposite in the HTML and XML specs:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#NT-AttValue (EBNF allows both)
> http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/intro/sgmltut.html#h-3.2.2
> "...SGML requires that all attribute values be delimited using either
> double quotation marks (ASCII decimal 34) or single quotation marks
> (ASCII decimal 39). "
> I'm more inclined to think its the feed reader misinterpreting &#039;
> - not recognizing this as being the same as &apos;.

Really????  Crap, then I've been saying this wrong for a long  
time...  Well, OK, then the HTML todying is wrong and not the  
author.  My apologies.


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