feed config in mysql

Jeff Waugh jdub at perkypants.org
Mon Feb 6 19:17:36 EST 2006

<quote who="Peter Lieverdink">

> Because I run a site which allows users to store info in mysql, I added
> mysql support to planet.

So, I don't want to be a drag, but... why? :-) I can imagine that a MySQL
backend for the configuration would be a nice way of handling a web-based
Planet administration frontend, but then you could always generate a config
from the MySQL and run Planet against it, instead of using MySQL directly
from Planet.

> It fetches feed/name/face info from a table in mysql, uses python-mysqldb.

One problem with defining the schema this way is that a Planet configuration
can include all kinds of things in each block. For instance, on Planet GNOME
I have a 'nick' attribute, which is passed down to the templating engine and
displayed in the html.

Not sure how you'd get around this in a pleasant manner, though. :-)

- Jeff

FISL 7.0: Porto Alegre, Brazil        http://fisl.softwarelivre.org/7.0/www/
             "jwz? no way man, he's my idle" - James Wilkinson

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