Testing a potential One Point Oh tarball/zip

Richard Dawe rich at phekda.gotadsl.co.uk
Mon Feb 6 08:29:27 EST 2006


Jeff Waugh wrote:
> This is not a release announcement. Please test (what may end up being) the
> Planet 1.0 release tarball/zip here, so it can be released later this week:
>   http://www.planetplanet.org/download/planet-1.0.tar.gz
>   http://www.planetplanet.org/download/planet-1.0.zip
> This is not a release announcement.

Fedora Core 4 packages available from here:


I submitted planet for inclusion in Fedora Extras. It's been through one 
round of review, but no further. Hopefully the 1.0 release will stir 
things a little. 8)

Bye, Rich =]

Richard Dawe [ http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~phekda/richdawe/ ]

"You can't evaluate a man by logic alone."
   -- McCoy, "I, Mudd", Star Trek

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